Joining Second Life is pretty simple. Follow these steps and you’ll be flying through your virtual experience in no time.

(1)  You start your journey here .

(2)  You will be taken through a process of verifying your email address, creating your avatar, and downloading and installing the Second Life viewer.

(3)  In order to participate in the virtual world of Second Life you have to download and install the Second Life Viewer. This is what allows you to access Etopia and the many other virtual locations (sims) throughout Second Life.

(4)  Once the software is installed come back to this page. DO NOT LOG INTO YOUR ACCOUNT YET!

(5)  Click here to open a map for Etopia. The map will open in a new web page.

(6)  Click the orange button on the map labeled “Visit This Location.”

(7)  When you log in for the first time you will read and agree to the “Terms Of Service” and “Community Standards” documents from Linden Labs, makers of Second Life.

(8)  After completing the user agreements your avatar will appear at the main landing area for Etopia.

(9)  Welcome to Etopia. Accept our gifts, join our group, and explore.