I can’t believe it! I’ve been talking about doing this ever since we set up the studio on the Plaza last year.

Tonight’s podcast touches on what’s new and what’s coming up at Etopia. Pretty light fare and without any commercial interruptions.

Let me know what you think 🙂


Podcast Transcript:

Happy Sunday and welcome to our first podcast of 2017. This is one exciting year!

2017 is Etopia’s 10th Anniversary and, you got it, it’s on Earth Day. Be assured we will celebrate it with all the fanfare we can muster and then some.

We still have space available for vendors and presenters. If you’ve got something to sell, say, or share visit our website at Etopia island dot org.

The politics of the day, I’m sure, have us all on the edge of our seats. Continued turmoil in the Greek economy. Continuous news about Brexit. And a US President determined to dismantle the Environmental Protection Agency. And that’s not even the tip of our rapidly melting global iceberg.

But I’m here to tell you that Etopia will continue to build community through it all because that’s what we do best.

Now, on to a few updates. The walking tours are back. They start at the main landing area and we’ve added a few more than we had before. If you’ve got ideas about tours you’d like added why not drop me an email to namaara, n a m a a r a at Etopia island dot org

We also have a new wagon tour that does a loop around Etopia Island with a few interesting pauses and stops along the way.

And there are more storytellers. Keep a lookout as more of these info packed and sometimes cheeky NPCs take their places throughout Etopia.

Events for this week include the Newcomers Forum tomorrow, Monday February 20th at 5pm SLT at the Water Treatment Plant.

The Bored Meating is on Thursday at 7pm SLT at Tsidel’s Cafe on Etopia Prime.

And folks – let’s support our partners at Whole Brain Health on Inspiration Island. They’ve got a whole bunch of interesting things going on over there and our own Dani does meditation class on Sunday mornings.

FYI March is coming up fast and it’s Brain Injury Awareness Month. Flo, from the Brain Energy Support Team, tells me BEST is launching their “Identity After TBI” class in March and they’ll be hosting some other interesting events here at Etopia. We’ll keep you posted on this and everything Etopia.

That’s it for tonight. Tune in next week for more Etopian News & Notes.

