It’s been a bit of a roller coaster ride for anyone who has been a part of the Second Life community for more than a heartbeat and especially challenging for those of us who have been around a few years or more. Seems with all of Linden Labs’ good intentions we can’t,in many ways, seem to get SL to move forward and become more robust. Here’s a little about Ebbe Linden (aka Ebbe Altberg) from the LL press release in February:  “… prior to joining Linden Lab, Altberg was COO of BranchOut. Prior to that, he was part of the executive team at Yahoo!, most recently as SVP of Media Products. His more than 25 years of experience managing teams that create world-class products and services also includes leadership roles at Ingenio (acquired by at&t Interactive) and Microsoft.”

And here’s a link to Jo Yardley’s blog post about a recent meeting with Ebbe in Second Life: (

Watch his keynote at WVBPE  (  He stated early on that he is working with Legal Counsel to try to try to figure out how to make it crystal clear that the creators of the content own the content. That’s a great start. He also talked about Oculus. Another step in the right direction. All in all I was impressed. My fingers are crossed.