A Little Green Living At Inspiration Island

Have you ever wanted to visit a place in Second Life that was about health, but fun? The folks at Whole Brain Health in Second Life have done just that at Inspiration Island. They have over 60 engaging and informative spaces on four different levels. Some of their activities are self-paced and others are facilitated. (more…)

Harley Quinn Stops Tooth Decay!

Thanks to the vision of our “PersonNotInCharge”, Ginny, we have an advert for the ever popular Ginny’s Floss. This mainstay product for all healthy Etopians – along with the Nougat Bar – is a must-have in any virtual bathroom cabinet.     Thanks to Ginny, Sol, and Moss for their humor, talent, and time.

Etopia Earth Warriors

Our world needs more love and our mother Earth needs more respect. A few years ago Omnia recorded one of my all-time favorite songs; Earth Warrior. At a recent Bored Meating I shared it as a weakly obsession and the rest, as you can see in this video is another piece of Etopian History.   (more…)

Etopia Does The Time Warp

We spend a lot of time talking about regenerative living, greening our urban areas for better quality of life, building prototypes, and discussing all things Etopia at our Weakly Bored Meating, but now and again Sol convinces us to take some time out to do something different. I think you’ll agree, this was worth it! (more…)