Earth Day, first celebrated in 1970, has grown to be an international phenomenon. Events are held worldwide to demonstrate support for environmental protection and celebrate our life-giving Mother Earth.
Etopia Eco-Communities is celebrating 10 years in Second Life with our Earth Day & 10th Anniversary Celebration. And everyone is invited. We will be hosting a hunt from 4/20 through 4/30, several days of discussions, music, tours and more. This multi-region event is sure to engage, enlighten, and entertain.
Etopia was founded to create a virtual world in which we could explore how to adapt to the challenges posed by Peak Oil and Climate Change. Since the beginning Etopia has been about sustainability and embracing the ideas of a community of creative, passionate, and thoughtful participants. We embrace shared values that celebrate our efforts toward creating a regenerative approach to life a and sustainable human presence on the Earth.
Kick off the Etopia Earth Day & 10th Anniversary Celebration on Thursday 20 April, at 7pm SLT with DJ Dani and a party at the Etopia Pavilion followed by two more days of music, tours, and workshops.
Some highlights include a viewing of “Before The Flood” at Nonprofit Commons on Friday, nonstop music at Center Ground from 10am to 10pm on Saturday, and a Climate Change Workshop with Marly Milena at Inspiration Island, also on Saturday.
Learn valuable facts, a little Etopia history, and interesting trivia on our self-guided or facilitated tours. Join workshops and discussion about wetland preservation, permaculture, and sustainable living presented throughout the weekend. KATJA’s Music Venue will host live music Friday and Saturday with guests Max Kleene, The Vinne Show, Bat Masters, KevinMThomas, and more. Woven throughout the activities and across regions is our Earth Day Hunt. Festivities wrap up on Sunday, 23 April with a discussion on the value of Earth Day awareness.
NonProfit Commons, Whole Brain Health & Inspiration Island, Virtual Abilities, Center Ground
For updates on the schedule of events, see our website at http://etopiaisland.org
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For more information contact:
Namaara MacMoragh in world (notecards please) or email, na*****@et**********.org