Three Easy Ideas To Celebrate Earth Day

Each year since 1970 Earth Day has been a way to raise awareness of the need for humans to care for our non-human relations. That might sound a little hokey, but research has shown that As climate threats continue to grow their impacts become ever-present in our lives there are many who argue that the (more…)

Plastics. Jon Oliver Does It Again.

At Etopia we know that while there’s a lot we can do to reduce our personal footprint, there’s a lot that isn’t. Controlling personal plastic consumption is. For example, we can choose to shop at food cooperative or other store that offers bulk-buying (which btw can be done correctly even during a pandemic) or buy (more…)

Earth Day 2017 Press Release

**** FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE **** Earth Day, first celebrated in 1970, has grown to be an international phenomenon. Events are held worldwide to demonstrate support for environmental protection and celebrate our life-giving Mother Earth.   Etopia Eco-Communities is celebrating 10 years in Second Life with our Earth Day & 10th Anniversary Celebration. And everyone is (more…)

Torben Asp Celebrates Earth Day At KATJA’S

“There is something magical about music, it’s indescribable power to instill and bring forth emotions, thoughts and memories. Torben Asp has harnessed that magic in his musical compositions to emphasize feelings and visions to his attentive audience.” That’s what Summer Serra felt about Torben’s music. And we did too at his concert at KATJA’s today. (more…)