Lab Gab For SL Insights

Being at home 24/7 may be frustrating for some, but, for me, it’s been an opportunity to tick off home projects from my list, read that pile of journals and magazines, and to catch up on things in SL. I don’t mean Etopia, but the larger Second Life world. So while most folks are binging (more…)

Namaara To Speak At Mental Health Symposium

Many of you know that Namaara MacMoragh hosts the Etopia regions as an extension of her passion for justice and equal access to healthy living. Did you also know that for the past few years she’s also been working with the Brain Energy Support Team to ensure justice and equal access to support and services (more…)

Earth Day 2017 Press Release

**** FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE **** Earth Day, first celebrated in 1970, has grown to be an international phenomenon. Events are held worldwide to demonstrate support for environmental protection and celebrate our life-giving Mother Earth.   Etopia Eco-Communities is celebrating 10 years in Second Life with our Earth Day & 10th Anniversary Celebration. And everyone is (more…)

Using Radagast? It’s been updated.

Earlier in November there was a brief post on the Radegast blog stating that updates to this gem of a third party viewer would end. If you’re not already familiar with Radegast, it’s a light-weight graphic-free, but feature-rich viewer for Second Life and Open Sim. Why is this important? For those with visual impairments, poor (more…)